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What is a NeuroCoach™?

My coaching focus is brain-based. This means that I am most curious about how you are thinking about your leadership style, goals, challenges and opportunities. What are your assumptions, narratives, and judgments?


Being fiercely committed to seeing my clients achieve their goals is blended with my relentless candor and humor. I will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with my clients and always give them the straight shot.


I am direct and empathetic in my communication and attentive and collaborative in my interactions always with a line of sight to what my client’s vision of success is.


As it turns out, coaching isn’t what I do; It is a large part of who I am.


Success doesn’t depend on circumstances...

How you think about them does! Your decisions and actions are shaped by your emotional and logical thinking in response to your circumstances. Develop your brain’s mental agility to become an even more effective, resilient and valuable leader.



Dr. Karla Rhay,

Chief Executive Officer, California Schools Employee Benefits Association

"An overwhelming majority of the audience rated Karla's opening Keynote as excellent and her delivery was described as dynamic. I am so grateful she was able to join us."

My Work as a Speaker

With humor, insight and stories that hit home, I provoke thought in my audiences and challenge them to make meaningful shifts that will ignite their careers, results and leadership effectiveness.  

Consider adding a new experience to your next conference that I created and offer to clients who hire me as their keynote speaker. This timely and useful addition to your conference experience has received wonderful feedback by attendees who have experienced my Spark 1-1 Coaching Sessions. Read more by clicking on My Services.

Work With Me

Yup that’s me tandem skydiving to raise money for Hurricane Relief in 2017. When I decided to do this, I knew that taking the leap with an expert, someone who would have my back and be with me as I challenged myself to stretch and push my boundaries was the way to go. That’s what taking on a coach is like. Will you take the leap with me?


Karla is everything my colleague promised and more. Her insights and clarity of thinking helped me see challenges that were holding me back and shortfalls I was overlooking. My relationship with our CEO improved as well as my effectiveness with the Board. Karla is a fabulous confidante and strategic advisor. I have hired her multiple times as my coach through the years.

David Robson, CFO

Private Client

These qualities have never been more in demand for 21st century executives to have:

Authenticity and character to lead ethically and inspirationally

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