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Partner's Page

Here you will find people with whom I conduct business as a strategic partner and collaborator.  I respect, trust and find we have synergy to work together to serve our clients’ needs. Their services and approach to their businesses align with mine and I trust the integrity and quality of their products and services.

Anne Sullivan

Life Stream Digital Innovations, LLC

Founder & CEO

Anne Sullivan has more than 25 years in the field of technology and education. In her previous role as Vice President of Member Services at ERB, Anne spoke at various conferences around the world. Her topics focused on how to use assessment results to inform instruction and/or admission decisions, and always encouraged schools to take a holistic approach when evaluating students. Anne is now the Founder and CEO of LifeStream Digital Innovations®, LLC, working to provide online solutions that are user friendly and enable a holistic approach to individual evaluation.


Anne Sullivan Life Stream Digital Innova

LifeStream Digital Innovations®, LLC is the premier provider of dimensional intelligence solutions that support personal branding and storytelling through technology. Our products and services work to help bring information to life and make it actionable.

Their premier solution, LifeStream Digital Memory Box®, is transforming the way admissions officers and hiring managers view their applications and resumes because behind every application and resume is a unique person.  With more than two decades of experience working in education, business, and technology, Anne has seen first-hand how hard it can be to compile and demonstrate our experience, accomplishments, and show our character and life skills. 


With LifeStream Digital Memory Box®, people are able to effectively capture their most important moments, and easily demonstrate their unique experience and accomplishments to showcase who they are and what they can do using the LifeStream portfolio feature. Whether you’re a student who would benefit from having a way to showcase their grades, accomplishments and activities for their college applications in a way that will distinguish them from other applicants or you’re in the early or mid-part of your career and want to have a sharp portfolio that highlights your accomplishments and skills, LifeStream provides the platform on which to build your story.

Lifestream Digital Memory Box ®

Pieter de Villiers Shadowmatch® Co-Found
Pieter de Villiers


Co-Founder, Author and Functional Developer/Head of Research

Pieter did all the research that led to the development of the system and still fulfils the role as Head of Research and Development at Shadowmatch. He and his team went live with Shadowmatch in 2006 after many years of research, validity studies and testing.


He and his team work tirelessly to bring the richness of the strategic and practical value that Shadowmatch provides to their clients and their employees as well as students and professionals all over the world.

Pieter and his team also developed Skillsgrid which is an automated system that enables employers to better understand the individual and the collective skills of their employees.

Artificial Intelligence For  Clarity & Direction

Shadowmatch® uses an artificial intelligent algorithm designed to identify behavior patterns (habits) by means of a systematized worksheet done by an individual online.

For professionals who are executives, rising stars or just starting out:


From a person’s individual results, your Career Report is highly useful for you to clarify your career path and options at any point in your career. As Industry 4.0 is changing the landscape and what are becoming the necessary skills and behaviors needed in this emerging world, it is critical you know where your best fit is and what value you already bring with what you've got.


For students getting ready to apply to college or alternative options:


The Career Report and Study Report can be extracted to assist college-and non-college-bound students to identify what is the best fit academic path and also begin to explore what kinds of careers would engage their strongest habits that would align with their satisfaction, success and enjoyment. Shadowmatch®   also will generate a Study Report that will assist and guide the student as to best practices for them personally when studying for optimum outcomes when learning new information and taking exams.


For organizations, the value of Shadowmatch® drives the following value and results:

  1. A top-performing benchmark using the congruency patterns of the results of a group of top-performing individuals doing the same job

  2. Comparing the behavior patterns of an individual to that of a top-performing group performing the same job

  3. Determining possible challenges that may manifest when an individual has to perform at the same job as the benchmark group in doing the same job under the same conditions

  4. Creating different development programs helping the individual develop specific behaviors

  5. Doing team analysis through behavioral congruency analysis

  6. Creating interview questionnaires helping users of the system to better understand an individual by means of a structured interview when recruiting

  7. Creates a comparative behavior report explaining the habits of an individual in comparison to the collective habits of the benchmark group

  8. Compiles a full personal report that describes and visually displays the behavior patterns or habits of an individual

  9. Enables the user to dynamically match the habits of an individual to multiple benchmark profiles in search for the best fit in the working environment

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